The Wandering Jew (1921)

Stars: Heinz Altringen, Ernst Bath, Rudolph Schildkraut
Director: Otto Kreisler
Runtime: 75 Minutes
Language: English subtitles - Organ music score
Color:  Black and White
Format:  DVD-R
Rating: NR

Price: $16.95

Theodor Herzl, der BannertrSger des jndischen Volkes
a.k.a. The Wandering Jew: The Life of Theodore Herzl

Directed by Otto Kreisler

Heinz Altringen ... King von Spanien
Ernst Bath ... Theodor Herzl
Rudolf Dietz ... Dr. Samuel Goldblatt
Ludwig Donath ... Prinz Eugen
Pippa Gettke ... Altjndische Snzerin
Gita Lenart-Vago ... Spanische Jndin
Else Osterheim ... Junge russische Jndin
Axel Plessen ... Russischer Gutsbesitzer
Eugen Prei ... Pabst Leo XIII
Joseph Schildkraut ... Das leidende Israel
Rudolph Schildkraut ... Das ringende Israel
Josef Schreiter ... Prophet

This early film biography of the founder of modern Zionism depicts a young Herzl learning about Jewish persecution throughout the ages, and developing his theory of political Zionism, which he saw as the only solution to anti-semitism. The film then follows Herzl's efforts to implement his ideas by converting European leaders and Jews to his cause. (Written by National Center for Jewish Film)

The complete 75 Minute version - Organ music score
