The College Hero (1927)

Stars: Robert Agnew, Pauline Garon, Ben Turpin, Rex Lease
Director: Walter Lang
Runtime: 64 Minutes + 15 minute short
Language: English subtitles - music score
Color:  Black and White
Format:  DVD-R
Rating: NR
Short: Captain Kid’s Kittens (1927)
Price: $14.95

The College Hero

Directed by Walter Lang

Robert Agnew  ... Bob Cantfield
Pauline Garon  ... Vivian Saunders
Ben Turpin  ... The Janitor
Rex Lease  ... Jim Halloran
Churchill Ross  ... Sampson Saunders
Joan Standing  ... Nellie Kelly
Charles Paddock  ... The Coach

Bob Cantfield and Jim Halloran after an initial scrap become close friends. When Bob escorts Vivian Saunders to the prom, Jim is jealous but faithful to his friend. However as Bob becomes the hero of the football team Jim's jealousy and envy build.

64 minutes - Orchestra Score by Lou McMahon

Included short


15 minutes
