Two Timid Souls (1928)

Stars: Pierre Batcheff, Jim Gérald, Véra Flory, Maurice de Féraudy
Director: René Clair
Runtime: 65 minutes + short
Language: English subtitles - music score
Source: 2K transfer of a black and white print
Formats:  DVD-R and Blu-ray BD-R (region free)
Rating: NR

Two Timid Souls
Original French title: Les deux timides

Directed by René Clair

Pierre Batcheff
Jim Gérald
Véra Flory
Maurice de Féraudy

Timid young lawyer Fremissin (Pierre Batcheff) fumbles his first court case defending the brutish wife-beater Garadoux (Jim Gérald). As fate would have it, years later, both men desire to wed the lovely Cecile (Véra Flory) and Garadoux schemes to scare the timid lawyer off, disguising himself behind a mask. Fremissin's only hope to win the woman he loves is to discover his courage.

Plus the Harry Langdon comedy short

FEET OF MUD (1924)

With musical scores for feature and short
written and performed by David Drazin

 $19.95 on special

 $22.95 on special